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Dual Language and ESL

Our Emergent Bilinguals (EBs) are provided language acquisition supports through either a Dual-Language program or a second language pull-out program model.  

Dual Language model

Galveston ISD offers dual language one-way in K-6 and dual language two-way in K-6. The goals of both models are for students to become bilingual, biliterate, and multicultural and students are taught in both English and Spanish.

In grades 5-6, dual language classes consist of Spanish-speaking emergent bilinguals and English proficient students.


We also offer English as a Second Language to students who speak a language other than English.  Students in our English as a Second Language (ESL) program benefit from instruction that is geared toward the needs of second-language learners.  Our methodology focuses on delivering rigorous instruction in all the content areas through implementation of the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) in all content areas in order to facilitate increased English proficiency while building academic language.

For more information, visit the GISD Bilingual Department.